Executive Director

  • Leads Portland's economic & urban development agency, overseeing all strategies, programs, and operations to drive economic growth and opportunity

  • Implements the city's economic dev. plan, focusing on job creation, business retention and expansion, and attracting businesses to target industry clusters

  • Directs real estate dev. and tax increment revenue investments to support transformational projects, vibrant districts, and access to financial resources for businesses

About the Company

Prosper Portland is dedicated to creating economic growth and opportunity for Portland based on four cornerstones: propelling inclusive job growth and innovation, promoting equitable wealth creation, fostering a vibrant central city and commercial districts, and connecting Portlanders to high quality jobs in future-ready sectors. To support that work, we seek to maintain an equitable, innovative, financially sustainable agency.

About the Job

The Executive Director, at the direction of the Prosper Portland Board of Commissioners, leads Portland’s economic and urban development agency. This position oversees the development, implementation, and evaluation of the agency’s strategic priorities and stewards the agency’s financial and personnel resources in a manner that reflects the agency’s values, honors the public trust, and leads the agency into the future and the next phase of tax increment investment in the city.

The Executive Director heads the agency and oversees all strategies, programs, and operations, ensuring a results-based view of the impact invested resources. As an unofficial member of the City of Portland’s Community & Economic Development service area leadership team, the Executive Director also serves as the agency ambassador and representative to the public and throughout the world. This position leads Prosper Portland’s Executive Team with thoughtful leadership, an unwavering commitment to closing racial disparities, and works with partners across the agency and throughout the region to support inclusive development and economic growth.


  • Develops strategies for and oversees the agency’s operations, including programmatic, financial, budgetary, policy, and legal matters that advance the agency’s mission to create economic growth and opportunity

  • Leads implementation of the City’s economic development plan, Advance Portland

  • Provides strategic direction and oversight of economic development functions to drive quality jobcreation, deliver the City’s traded sector business retention, expansion and recruitment activities, and positions the city as a competitive and business location with an emphasis on target industry clusters, inclusive growth, and small business support

  • Provides strategic direction and oversight of real estate development and agency investments of tax increment revenue in order to support: transformational projects, healthy, inclusive, and vibrant districts; access to financial resources for business and property owners; and an innovative, financially sustainable agency

  • Ensures advancement of redevelopment projects, district-scale public-private partnerships, loan and grant programs, asset management, and infrastructure investments to support a thriving city

  • Provides strategic direction and oversight of internal administrative services and operations to support an effective organization through robust policies and procedures; competent fiscal management; budget preparation and oversight; procurement of goods and services; risk management; human resources and labor relations; information technology systems; records management; and related compliance

  • Oversees and supports a diverse, highly motivated, and primarily represented workforce, and an inclusive and collaborative workplace. Leads, empowers, and mentors direct reports; leads agency in a collaborative manner; manages direct reports’ performance; supports staff development across the agency, and unlocks their innovative potential

  • Oversees and implements plan for the long-term future and financial sustainability of the agency. Monitors agency financials, outcomes, and performance metrics to ensure accountability and effective management of resources

  • Directs, leads and accounts for internal and external equity goals; serves as a member and champion of the Prosper Portland’s Equity Council. Cultivates authentic relationships with community members and private sector partners to ensure inclusive and transparent public engagement and access in Prosper Portland’s projects and programs

  • Defines, strengthens, and invests in local and national strategic partnerships that enhance the impact of the agency’s work e.g., city, regional, and state agencies; elected officials; city directors; and business and community associations. Serves as the agency ambassador and represents Prosper Portland on committees, tasks forces, press and public relations matters, at events, and with other organizations


  • Required Qualifications:

    • Ten years of experience in public administration management, public policy, redevelopment, economic development, or equivalent experience

    • A minimum of five years of management experience in a relevant field, including comparable private sector experience

    • Demonstrated success advancing racial equity within community development, public/private partnerships, public policy, or equivalent field

    • Relevant private sector experience preferred

    • Experience raising investment capital preferred

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