Design Asst. Director

About the Company

The City of Atlanta Department of City Planning (DCP) is committed to implementing Atlanta City Design and transforming Atlanta into the best possible version of itself. Adopted into the city charter in December 2017, Atlanta City Design articulates an aspiration for the future city that Atlantean's can fall in love with, knowing that if people love their city, they will make better decisions about it.

The Office of Design of the Department of City Planning provides leadership for the physical design of the city. It accomplishes this through the design of physical plans for the logical organization of our future city, creation of vibrant public spaces that cultivate public life, and architectural guidance, including preservation, of high-quality buildings that contribute to a cohesive public realm. This work is framed by Atlanta City Design and driven by the desire to design a city for everyone in the most inclusive way possible.

The Atlanta City Studio is the pop-up urban design studio operated by the Office of Design on behalf of the Department of City Planning. The studio’s mission is to provide leadership in the design of our city and the implementation of Atlanta City Design. It accomplishes this through project-specific design leadership and collaboration, educational programming, and inclusive community engagement. The Studio moves to different locations throughout the city to make its work and that of the Department of City Planning as publicly accessible as possible so that residents have an opportunity to play an integral role in the design of our city.

About the Job

The Assistant Director for the Public Space Studio is a senior level urban designer experienced in leading a team of design professionals to conceptualize, research, design, and implement public space projects throughout the city. These public space projects range from the more tactical, including oversight of the Love Our Places program, to permanent and larger improvements. This work is done in close collaboration with the Office of Design’s other teams—the Planning Studio and the Historic Preservation Studio—as well as other offices of the Department of City Planning, other City agencies, community members and leaders, and private sector partners. While this work is done throughout the city, there is also a focus centered around the location of the Atlanta City Studio.


  • Champion the need to create exceptional public spaces and experiences in our city using Atlanta City Design as the basis for the projects undertaken

  • Develop effective and inclusive processes and methodologies by which the Atlanta City Studio undertakes, designs, manages, and implements project work

  • Collaborate closely with team members in other offices of the Department of City Planning, as well as other departments within the City, to ensure the projects we undertake advance the City’s plans and priorities, and have a pathway towards long-term, permanent implementation

  • Engage communities and neighborhoods in the design process in a meaningful and equitable way that productively informs design decisions using presentations, workshops, design charrettes, personal meetings, etc.

  • Provide leadership and mentoring to a team of planners, designers, and other professionals in the design and implementation of public space projects that involve both in-house staff and outside consultant teams

  • Select, develop, and manage staff for the Public Space Studio for the Office of Design

  • Develop and manage the budget for the Public Space Studio for the Office of Design

  • Manage purchasing, inventory, equipment maintenance and other asset related functions and approve purchase/supply orders, expense account for the Public Space Studio for the Office of Design


  • Minimum Qualifications:

    • Bachelor’s degree in urban design, city and regional planning, architecture, landscape architecture, environmental design, or related field

    • Five to seven (5-7) years of related experience in private sector or municipal urban design

    • At least 3 years’ experience managing design or planning professionals

  • Preferred Qualifications:

    • Master’s degree in urban design, city and regional planning, architecture, landscape architecture, environmental design, or related field


Cultural Affairs Facility Admin.


Sr. Executive Assistant